Evaluation of the toxicity of the antibiotic paste (chloramphenicol, tetracycline, zinc oxide and eugenol) in dogs submitted to pulpotomies by analysis of biochemical and hematological parameters of the blood and histological parameters of the teeth / AvaliaÃÃo da toxicidade da pasta de antibiÃtico (cloranfenicol, tetraciclina, Ãxido de zinco e eugenol) em cÃes submetidos à pulpotomia atravÃs da anÃlise de parÃmetros hematolÃgicos e bioquÃmicos do sangue e histolÃgico dos dentes




The work evaluated histological, hematological and biochemical parameters in thirteen male and female adult dogs (11 to 20 kg) submitted to pulpotomies with an antibiotic paste (chloramphenicol, tetracycline, zinc oxide and eugenol) used for the obturation of the coronary chamber. For this experiment 5 or 10 heath teeth from each dog were selected. The pulpotomies were performed under rubber dam isolation and general anesthesia. The paste utilized was that proposed by Costa (1994), handled and weighted just before the moment of insertion into the pulpar cavity, and at the end of the procedure. After this insertion into pulpar remains, the cavity was sealed with ZOE, and restored with the amalgam. Blood was collected 48 h, 30, 60 and 90 days after that procedure, for dermatological and biochemical evaluations. The dogs were sacrified at the 180, 240, 270 and 300 days and the teeth submitted to histological evaluation. The hematological evaluation showed that the only altered parameter was that related to platelet count, whose values were reduced before and after the pulpar therapy. Similarly, the biochemical parameters were also maintained at normal levels, except for the bilirubin concentrations which were increased at the end of the experiment. The histological evaluation demonstrated an intense inflammatory process in the coronal pulp at 180 days. Inflammatory cells were dispersed over all the apical region. However, this process started to partially reduce, at 240 and 270 days, disappearing totally at the end of the experiment at 300 days. The final conclusion is that, by biochemical, hematological and histological parameters, the antibiotic paste is biocompatible, and seems to present no toxic effects. However, its application in deciduous teeth pulpotomies, although promissing, still needs to be studied clinically.


therapy pulpar pulpotomia terapia pulpar odontopediatria pedodontics pasta de antibiÃtico antibiotic paste odontopediatria pulpotomy

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