Evalution of metrics to determine the degree of heterogeneity of computing systems / Avaliação de métricas para determinar o grau de heterogeneidade de sistemas computacionais




This work evaluates several parameters in a detailed way for the definition of homogeneity and heterogeneity levels in distributed computing systems. The objective is to analise the GH metric efficiency (heterogeneity degree) according to different perspectives. Metrics found in the literature and open source benchmarks (recognized by the scientific community) are both used to quantify the heterogeneity of the computational system. The GH metric is also employed in the AMIGO, a real scheduling environment, in order to evaluate its use in process scheduling algorithms. The main results obtained in this work are: the verification of the GH metric stability for determining the heterogeneity degree of distributed computing platforms; the use of the GH metric with success in a real scheduling environment and the development of an adaptive scheduling algorithm. By-products of this work are: the highlighting of the main benchmarks with open source available in the literature, which can be used in future works by the research group and the continuity of the development of the AMIGO


computing systems métricas grau de heterogeneidade degree of heterogeneity metrics sistemas computacionais

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