Evolução da forma organizacional na população de bancos múltiplos no Brasil: um estudo da relação entre diversidade, idade e mortalidade organizacional


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study analyzes the demography of the multiple banks in Brazil by utilizing longitudinal data which expands between periods of 1988 until 2009. The purpose of this research is analyzes the evolution of multiple banks, on these aspects: organizational diversity, age and mortality. Mainly, a multiple banks origin can be: a) bank sector when the multiple bank originates from a development bank, a commercial bank or an investment bank; b) none-bank sector when the multiple bank birth from another kind of financial company, except banks. At first, through a perspective of the Ecology Organizational Theory, this research analyzes the organizational form of these banks that was in activity, and through an application of clusters analysis showing this populations feature and its organizational diversity. Then second, by utilizing the Weibull model, it is generated a life data analysis to identify, among others results, positive age dependence in mortality (cancelation) rates for these Brazilian multiple banks, describing a liability of obsolescence or senescence. At last, by using two statistical techniques (test chi-square and Weibull model), it was possible to gather evidence that a relationship exist between source and cancelation rates, because multiple banks that began its activity in none-bank sector have been canceled faster than those that began in bank sector; moreover, cancelation rates for this population varies depending on the banks origin. The main value of this research is the fact that it is a population demography study in retrospect to life and death of multiple banks, an issue that has not been explored at national academic literature in depth.


dependência da idade mortalidade organizacional distribuição weibull administracao ecology organizational theory organizational form age dependence organizational mortality bancos múltiplos teoria ecológica das organizações weibull distribution multiple banks forma organizacional

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