Evolução das classificações psiquiatricas no Brasil : um esboço historico




The author presents, in this study, a description critica! review of the literature about the historical evolution of Brazilian psychiatrics classification. In the initial chapter, a parallel is traced between historical and social facts, of Europe and Brazil, since the discovery of the last one. This is done in order to relate the historical times treated with the classificatory perception of mental diseases evolution by the societies of that time. This sequence describes the classificatory psychiatrical concepts imported nom Brazilians "alienists" in the field of "mental alienation", including their insertions in philosophical, polítical and social thoughts during the XIX and the beginning of the XX century. The discussion develops until the processes sequences, during the XX century. Further, there is an analysis of key-informants manifestations, who lived during the time of that classificatorical discussion. This procedure possibilitates the utilization of comparative terms with the properly historiographical study. The author concludes that, despite the majority and prevalent importation of intemational psychiatrical classificatory patterns, since the primordial "alienism" in Brazil, there was always a deflned tendency to classify the mental diseases diagnostics with a peculiar Brazilian way


classificação psiquiatria diagnostico

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