Evolution of Multilocus Genetic Structure in an Experimental Barley Population


Data from 311 selfed families isolated from four generations (F(8), F(13), F(23), F(45)) of an experimental barley population were analyzed to determine patterns of change in character expression for seven quantitative traits, and in single-locus allelic frequencies, and multilocus genetic structure, for 16 Mendelian loci that code for discretely recognizable variants. The analyses showed that large changes in single-locus allelic frequencies and major reorganizations in multilocus genetic structure occurred in each of the generation-to-generation transitions examined. Although associations among a few traits persisted over generations, dynamic disassociations and reassociations occurred among several traits in each generation-transition period. Overall, the restructuring that occurred was characterized by gradual decreases in the number of clusters of associated traits and increases in the number of traits within each cluster. The observed changes in single-locus frequencies and in multilocus genetic structure were attributed to interplay among various evolutionary factors among which natural selection acting in a temporally heterogeneous environment was the guiding force.

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