Exercicio fisico associado a diferentes teores de proteina na dieta : estudo das alterações bioquimicas e corporais em ratos adultos




The objetive of this research was to study the influence of dietary protein content associated with intense physical exercise, on the protein metabolism of adult rats. Hale Wistar rats (90 days old), trained on a treadmill and controls (sedentary) were fed on semipurified diets containing 6% (hyp O proteic), 25% (normoproteic) and 35% (hyperproteic) casein. Under the experimental conditions used, it was shown that the animals ln the hypoproteic group presented significant reductions in body weight gain, N2 balance, alimentary efficiency and Iiver protein in relation of the normoproteic animals. These reductions were more accentuated in the trained animals. The hyperproteic group of rats showed higher Ievels of alimentary efficiency, N2 balance and body weight gain in relation to the nOt-moprot eic animaIs. The animaIs on a normoproteic diet presented constant biochemical parameters although there was a significant reduction in body weight gain and alimentary efficiency in the trained animals. Physical exercise associated with different diets promoted in all experimental groups slight increases in body water content and lean body mass and reduction in body fat content, as well as a significant reduction in body weight gain/alimentary efficiency and liver protein in relation of the sedentary animals. Basead on these results it was concluded that diets with different levels of protein resulted in significant alterations in the protein metabolism of adult rats. These alterations were more pronounced in animals on a hypoproteic diet


exercicios fisicos proteinas dietas

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