Expansão estrutural como possibilidade de uma universalização dos serviços de água e esgoto no Estado do Paraná até 2020




The State of the Paraná is admittedly one of most advanced how much to the covering of sistem it to me sanitary (water and sewer) in Brazil. Currently, they are 399 cities, being that of these 32 do not possess sewer infrastructure and 28 they possess a lesser covering of 90% for the water infrastructure. The present work was structured to universalize the offer of these services, this is, a financial survey to demonstrate the funds necessary to support (structurally) the whole of an urban demand the was out of this service network in 2000 and to assure the possibility of inclusion of the urban population, total and future, by 2020. Towards this purpose, it was estimated that the State of the Paraná will be able to present a demographic composition of 10.175.463 and 11.890.494 of inhabitants for the population urban and total contingent, respectively. Thus, when of the developed analysis to identify the covering of the system, the existence of an urban population contingent expressive was demonstrated (IBGE) is of the sanitary services (water = 303,868 inhab. e sewer = 4.410.670 inhab.) in 2000, being that this population will be able to increase (water = 2.693.247 hab. e sewer = 6.800.049 hab.) as projection inside of this work for the year of 2020. With relation to the costs for implantation of the sanitary structures (water and sewer) urban, the following values had met: USS308.26 (medium), USS239.64 (1 quartile) and USS366.10 (3 quartile), for inhabitant. With relation to the necessary total financial volumes the magnifying of the services, the joined values had been of USS1,697,651,644 (medium), being that all the values had been adjust monetary by the IGP-DI (Getúlio Vargas Foundation) up to 01/09/2005 when they had been converted for the dollar of this exactly day (R$2.3623).


planejamento urbano política urbana esgotos - projeto e construção engenharia sanitária drenagem urbana de aguas pluviais saneamento - paraná

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