Expansion of gd T cells in patients infected with cutaneous leishmaniasis with and without glucantime therapy


Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases




The expansion of gd T cells in patients with active cutaneous leishmaniasis, with or without glucantime therapy, was investigated. Twenty patients with local cutaneous leishmaniasis including glucantime-treated (n=10) and untreated (n=10) patients were selected. The controls were healthy individuals (n=10) living in endemic areas. Whole blood was obtained and the T cell subpopulations were analyzed by flow cytometry. Significantly more gd CD3+ T cells were observed in untreated patients (15.9% ± 5.9), when compared with glucantime-treated patients (4.6% ± 1.4) and controls (5.3% ± 2.3). On the other hand, when the percentages of ab CD3+ T-cells were analyzed different results were obtained. A significant increase in ab T cells was seen in glucantime-treated patients (62.4% ± 7.6), when compared to the untreated patients (55.7% ± 5.5) and controls (55.1% ± 9.6). The percentage of total CD3+ T cells was statistically greater in both glucantime-treated (68.8% ± 7.4) and untreated patients (73.4% ± 5.9) when compared to the controls (61% ± 10.3). These results are consistent with previous results on the expansion of gdT cells during the course of cutaneous leishmaniasis. They also indicate that glucantime therapy can reverse the expansion of gdT cells and as a result increase the percentages of ab CD3+ T cells.

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