Exploring Issues of Quality of Service in a Next Generation Internet Testbed: A Case Study Using PathMaster


American Medical Informatics Association


This case study describes a project that explores issues of quality of service (QoS) relevant to the next-generation Internet (NGI), using the PathMaster application in a testbed environment. PathMaster is a prototype computer system that analyzes digitized cell images from cytology specimens and compares those images against an image database, returning a ranked set of “similar” cell images from the database. To perform NGI testbed evaluations, we used a cluster of nine parallel computation workstations configured as three subclusters using Cisco routers. This architecture provides a local “simulated Internet” in which we explored the following QoS strategies: (1) first-in-first-out queuing, (2) priority queuing, (3) weighted fair queuing, (4) weighted random early detection, and (5) traffic shaping. The study describes the results of using these strategies with a distributed version of the PathMaster system in the presence of different amounts of competing network traffic and discusses certain of the issues that arise. The goal of the study is to help introduce NGI QoS issues to the Medical Informatics community and to use the PathMaster NGI testbed to illustrate concretely certain of the QoS issues that arise.

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