Extração e caracterização da fração lipolitica de residuos de processamento de mamão formosa. / Extration and characterization of the lipolítica fraction of residues of formosa processing of papaya.




Today, Brazil is the world largest papaya producer and the market of products derived from papaya is growing year after year. Consequently, the generation of byproducts, such as skin and seed, also increases. However, today there is no appropriate ways of wasting these byproducts. Based on this observation, we study the viability of using the byproducts of Formosa papaya on the extraction of enzymes, more specifically, the lipases. Our results show that this byproduct can be used as source of enzymatic extract with lipolitic activity. The largest concentration of lipolitic activity is found on the skin, where there is also the largest activity of proteases. From the studies on extraction and semi-purification, we observed two fractions with different lipolitics activities: the fraction obtained using the precipitation process with 60% of acetone (EBFL-60acetone), and the fraction obtained by the precipitation process fractioned with ammonia sulfate 40% - 80% (EBFL ? 40-80 sulfate). The precipitation with acetone at 60% presented the best purification indices, 2.48, and the least for proteolítica activity, 4.14. The precipitations with ammonia sulfate directed or fractioned promoted an intense denaturation enzymatic with lipolitcs activites. The EBFL-60acetone fraction had two peaks of optimum pH: one acid ? 4.5 and another alkaline ? 9.5 and optimum temperature between 44,8 ºC and 65,2 ºC. The fraction showed stable with pH between 8.5 and 10 and with temperature from 25 ºC to 60 ºC and from 90 ºC to 100 ºC. It was activated in the presence of ions Na+, Ca2+ e Hg2+ and lost activity with EDTA, n-bromossucínimidy e iodoacetamidy. When its activity was analyzed in different reaction moments, it presented maximum activity with 10 minutes. Its activity was maintained with n-hexano and it was strongly inactivated in the presence of methanol. The EBFL-40-80sulfate fraction had one peak of optimum pH: 9.0 and optimum temperature between 44,8 ºC and 65,2 ºC. The fraction showed stable with pH between 6.0 and 9.0 and with temperature from 25 ºC to 80 ºC. It was weakly activated in the presence of ions Hg2+ e Mg2+ and lost activity with EDTA, 2-mercaptoetanol, n-bromossucínimidy e iodoacetamidy. When its activity was analyzed in different reaction moments, it presented maximum activity with 20 minutes. Its activity was maintained with n-hexano and it was weakly inactivated in the presence of propanol. The study of alternative sources of vegetal lipases has been of great interest for the intensification growth of usage of these biocatalysers in the industry. The EBFL-60acetone represents a good alternative to some of industrial applications such as detergent industry and the synthesis of new esters.


residues papaya processing lipase mamão - processamento residuos lipases

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