Facilitação da habituação da resposta exploratoria a estimulos sonoros em pombos destelencefalados




Habituation refers to a kind of non-associative learning described by a decrease in response correlated with the repetive or continuous stimulus presentation. Recovery of response can be observed when parameters of the stimulus situation are modified. In the present work the process of pigeons habituation to audutory stimuli was analysed regarding the functional role of telencephalon on learning. Sixteen adult pigeons were exposed to 1000 Hz, 110 dB, 1 s sound (stimulus A) presented in 30 s intervals. The orientation and startle responses were directly observed and videotaped during the sessions. The learning criterion was 10 trias with no orientatlon or startle recordings. The session ended after 60 trials or when the learning criteriun was attained. Between sessions interval was 24 hr. After habituated to stimulus A the birds were exposed to a similar habituation precedure to a 500 Hz, 110 dB, 1 s (stimulus B) sound The sessions were stimulus B was introduced began with 10 stimulus A trials. The lesions were made in the day following habituation to stimulus B: eigth pigeons suffered telencephalon ablation and eigth pigeons were sham operated. Retest in the same experimental procedure occurred ten days after surgery.The results showed a decrease in the number of trials until stimulus A habituation for the telencephalon ablated birds. This acceleration of post-lesion habituation to stimulus A is suggestive of a facilitatory effect of the telencephalic lesion. Response increases correlated with the introdution of stimulus B were considered as indicative of the manitenance of differential auditory processing after lesion


habituação (neuropsicologia) cerebro - estimulo

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