Factors involved in specific transcription by mammalian RNA polymerase II: purification, genetic specificity, and TATA box-promoter interactions of TFIID.


Selective and accurate transcription of purified genes by RNA polymerase II requires multiple factors. The factor designated TFIID was purified extensively from HeLa cell nuclear extracts by using a simple and novel complementation assay. Thus, TFIID was preferentially inactivated by mild heat treatment of a nuclear extract, and supplementation of the heat-treated extract with TFIID-containing fractions restored adenovirus major late (ML) promoter-dependent transcription. By using this assay, TFIID was purified approximately 300-fold by conventional chromatographic methods. The most purified TFIID fraction was demonstrated to be required for transcription of a number of other cellular and viral class II genes. This factor showed specific interactions with both the adenovirus ML promoter and a human heat shock 70 (hsp-70) promoter. On the ML promoter, the DNase I-protected region extended from around position -40 to position +35, although some discontinuities (and associated hypersensitive sites) were apparent near the initiation site and near position +27; the upstream and downstream boundaries of the TFIID-binding site were also confirmed by exonuclease III digestion experiments. In contrast to these results, the DNase I-protected regions on the human hsp-70 promoter were confined to a smaller area that extended from positions -35 to -19. DNase I hypersensitive sites were observed in both the adenovirus ML and hsp-70 promoters, most notably in the region at position -47. These results indicate either that there are different forms of TFIID or that a single TFIID can interact differently with distinct promoters.

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