Fatores anteriores ao ingresso como preditivos de evasão nos anos iniciais dos cursos superiores de tecnologia / Preenrollment factors as predictive of dropout in the initial years of the higher courses of technology




The dropout of college students has been evident as a complex phenomenon, with consequences of personal, institutional and social nature. Studies about this phenomenon point factors related to the college students dropout. As for the variable associates to the occurrence of the evasion, the studies have shown that it is possible to locate factors that are previous to the student s admission and decurrent factors of the academic experience during the superior course. About factors before the admission, researchers suggest a division in three main categories: the family background, the educational experiences and the student s individual attributes. The identification of variables before the admission connected to the dropout provides elements for the creation intervention programs in order to minimize the occurrence of this phenomenon. These programs would be put into action on the student s first year in college (that is considered the most critical period) when most of the dropout occur. A wider comprehension of this process requires the expansion of the studies on different types of graduation courses. This research had two objectives: 1) the identification of previous admission variables that could predict dropout in the early years among technology college students; 2) the identification of characteristics that were previous to the admission that could predict dropout in different modalities (abandonment, enrollment cancellation, freshman disconnection and course change). The study was developed with data of students from a Technology Education Center, which belongs to a public university located in the countryside of São Paulo state. In the analysis, it was used data from a socialcultural survey, answered by students at the moment of their application for the university admission exam, data provided by the university about the students situation after the second year in college (enrolled students or students who quit college) and type of dropout. It was analyzed, through Logistic Regression, data from 546 students, who quit college in the first two years of the course, who were admitted between 2000-2004. The results point that the Mathematics grade in the university admission exam and the student decision level about the choice of the course are the strongest predicting dropout factors in the beginning of the technology college courses. About the types of dropout, it was pointed that different previous admission characteristics were connected to the different modalities. The identification of predicting variables pointing those groups that could be more vulnerable to the initial year s course dropout suggests new studies that identify efficient interventions and actions in order to minimize this occurrence.


ensino superior regressão logistica logistic regression graduação ingressantes graduation higher education freshmen students

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