Fatores crÃticos de sucesso na clÃnica de hipertensÃo do serviÃo de cardiologia do hospital das clÃnicas da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco




The searching for better alternatives in the enterprise management has made the organizations chairman rethink about their strategic positions and practices. The emphasis in quality has changed the relationship inside the corporations intending to fulfilled the customers needs. The public institutions has followed the same path of the private health companies which has attended expectations of the patients minimizing the costs. This study intends to assist the ClÃnica de HipertensÃo do ServiÃo de Cardiologia do Hospital das ClÃnicas da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco to recognize the critical factors to achieve the success and giving them subsidies to develop one strategy to better understand the needs of the patients. With this purpose was developed one research instrument that was applied on the patients of the ClÃnica de HipertensÃo so they could express their opinion about the quality of the healthy services offered by the clinic. Analyzing the data collected through statistical methods, such as statistical tools and techniques it was possible to conclude about the perception of the patients about the subject. We belief that acquiring the knowledge of the patients expectations about a good health service, the managers can dispose of enough information to auxiliate them when it comes to introducing a management strategy. Using analysis and data interpretation, it was possible to observe that the most important aspects considered by the patients to which the Hypertension Clinics of the Cardiology Service of the Pernambuco Federal University Clinics Hospital can achieve a level of excellence in itâs services are: the structure, quality of the service in a higher level of importance so it can be achieved a level of excellence and staff training to improve the quality of the given service


engenharia de producao serviÃo de cardiologia hospital das clÃnicas da universidade federal de pernambuco hipertensÃo engenharia de produÃÃo

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