Fatores de incerteza em projetos de desenvolvimento de sistema de informação


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Every company faces uncertainty in many different arcas every day, and these uncertainties affect the company as a whole. There are many uncertainties sources that crise in the industry itself or in its environment. In comparison, all information system development projects have to deal with uncertainty. During the project, many uncertainty factors were found, and they can influence the project in a negative way and can even cause a complete failure. It s important in knowing the sources of uncertainty, mainly those that can cause more uncertainties, to allow the persorn responsible for the project to deal with them and to enable the project to succed. This study is based on a survey with 33 project leaders who work in system development companies or in companies which have a system development department. All companies are located in Porto Alegre. My aim is to identify and analyze factors that are causes of uncertainty in information system development projects. I also did a literature revision on the subject and a list of the uncertainty factors identified by many other researchers. This research was strongly based on this revision. The questionnaire applied to the project leader intended to find out and isolate the uncertainty factors which: - they believe that influenced one specific project result; - they had considered in an specific project; - they ordinarily considered in every project. The person responsible for the project should have a coherent vision of the importance that must be given to the uncertainty factors. The balance between factors considered "a priori" and factors that had had really influenced the projects were fundamental to its success. As a project failed, I found out that they were too concerned about the factors that hadn t in fact affected the projects. They haven t considered the factors that really affected the project as they should have had done. In the success cases there are some underestimated factors which were less considered. Nevertheless, the factors that had been less considered are those that don t influence the project too much.


desenvolvimento de sistema : sistema de informacao : projeto

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