Fc-rosette inhibition by hypocomplementaemic systemic lupus erythematosus sera


Morito, T., Tanimoto, K., Hashimoto, Y., Horiuchi, Y., and Juji, T. (1976).Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 35, 415-421. Fc-rosette inhibition by hypocomplementaemic systemic lupus erythematosus sera. Human red cells sensitized with one of the Rh antisera (Ripley) form rosettes (Fc-rosette) with human B lymphocytes and the rosettes are well inhibited by aggregated human IgG. Since sera of hypocomplementaemic patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) have frequently been reported to contain immune complexes, they were used for the inhibition of Fc-rosette formation in this study.

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