Filhos do desamparo, filhos que amparam : significações sobre a parentalidade de adolescentes-pais em medida de liberdade assistida / Suns of destitution, suns who support: significances about parentality of male adolescents on condition of Assisted Liberty




The present study has as objective the understanding of the significances about parentality the practice of parents with psychic and corporal care of a baby of male adolescent, on condition of Assisted Liberty (on parole-like judicial measure applied to adolescent in Brazil). The theoretical focus is psychoanalytical, articulated with contributions from the French psycho-sociology and from systemic family therapy. The study was developed from a project of research-intervention called Projeto Fênix na Comunidade that assisted adolescents and their families on condition of Assisted Liberty, in an institution of the Federal District. The investigations prioritized analyses of semi-directed individual interviews, with 11 adolescents who have generated children. As complementaries data, both family interviews and interviews with professionals responsible for the execution of measurements and participating observations, were taken, with the help of analysis of the adolescent handbooks. Constructive-interpretative analysis of the interviews revealed five sense zones thus denominated: (i) Son as a partner of the adolescent resilience process; (ii) Parentality as a systemic and constructed process in the family context; (iii) The nostalgia of the present father in the conception of the paternity role of the adolescent-father in condition of Assisted Liberty; (iv) Destitution as a transgeneration heritage; (v) Conflicts and possibilities of parentality in adolescence. This study displays that parentality of adolescent on condition of Assisted Liberty does not signify an additional risk factor but, once shared, can become a transforming and gratifying experience. The conclusion is that the undertaking of being a father is rather paradoxically structuring, once it becomes a hope-bearing life project, if compared with their social and affective perspectives of a future void life.


adolescent paternity adolescente em conflito com a lei psicologia adolescent on condition of law conflict projeto de vida adolescente em medida de liberdade assistida adolescent on condition of assisted liberty paternidade na adolescência adolescent parentality life project parentalidade adolescente

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