Finding new approaches to treat retinitis pigmentosa caused by mutations in the photoreceptor rhodopsin. / Em busca de novos métodos de tratamento para a retinose pigmentar causada por mutações na rodopsina.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited disease that progressively leads to blindness. More than 150 mutations associated with RP are known in rhodopsin, causing its misfolding. This thesis tested the hypothesis that small molecules can rescue folded rhodopsin and/or reduce photoreceptor cell death. RP mutations, N15S and P23H, revealed differences in characteristics and severity of misfolding of the mutant proteins. Binding of small molecule classes (retinals, metal ions, chlorophylls and anthocyanins) to rhodopsin was demonstrated in vitro. The chlorophyll derivative, Ce6, was most effective in conferring stability and therefore tested in rats subjected to light-damage and RP rat models, P23H and S334ter. Protection against the light-induced retinal degeneration and more importantly a significant slowing of the photoreceptor degeneration rate in the P23H rat were observed. In contrast, Ce6 increased photoreceptor degeneration in the S334ter rat. Finally, clinical, biochemical and in vivo rat data were compared and it was found to be highly correlated.


retina retinal degeneration retinitis pigmentosa retinose pigmentar degeneração retiniana fotorreceptores photoreceptors retina

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