Fine Structure of Reovirus Type 2


Loh, Philip C. (University of Hawaii, Honolulu), H. R. Hohl, and M. Soergel. Fine structure of reovirus type 2. J. Bacteriol. 89:1140–1144. 1965.—The fine structure reovirus type 2 was studied by electron microscopy with the negative-staining method. The virus has a mean diameter of 772 A and shows evidence of icosahedral shape and 5:3:2 symmetry. The particle is composed of a core, an inner layer, and a capsid composed of 92 elongated hollow capsomeres. These capsomeres have mean dimensions of 116 A × 110 A and a central hole 48 A in diameter. In size and architecture, reovirus type 2 is very similar to the other members (reoviruses types 1 and 3) of this group of animal viruses.

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