Fitossociologia de um fragmento florestal com monodominÃncia de Euterpe edulis Mart / Phytosociology of a forest patch with monodominance of Euterpe edulis Mart




The objective of this work was evaluating the structure of the shrub component of a forest patch with a monodominance of Euterpe edulis Mart. and identifying floristic groups by means of statistical multivariate techniques. Situated in the town of Inconfidentes in Minas Gerais State, for the study in a systematic form, 29 plots of 400 m2 distributed into six transects arranged in such a way to transpose perpendicularly the patch in its sense of steepest, going from a border to the other were allocated. All the individuals with a breast diameter height greater than 5 cm were sampled. 1,560 samples distributed in 111 species, 80 genera and 38 families for a sampling (amostral) area of 1.16 ha were found, the five species with a higher density were: Euterpe edulis (673.28 individuals/ha), Rollinia sylvatica and Urera baccifera (46.55 individuals/ha), Cryptocarya aschersoniana (38.79 individuals/ha), Senegalia polyphylla (35.34 individuals/ha) and Geonoma schottiana (28.45 individuals/ha) amounting to 64.62% out of the total number of individuals. The high density of individuals of Euterpe edulis (673.28 individuals/ha or 50.06% of the individuals) characterizes the studied area as a monodominant forest. The Shanon diversity indices and the Pielouâs equability were Hâ= 2.69 nats.individual-1 and J= 0.57 when all the individuals with BDH >5 cm were taken into account, in considering individuals with BDH >10 cm, the indices were Hâ= 2.41 nats.ind.-1 and Jâ = 0.53 the low values observed for these parameters, particularly for Jâ, is the result of the high concentration of individuals of a single species which dominates the tree community. From the studied, the monodominant patch of Euterpe edulis possesses characteristics which approach it more to the model resulting from the late succession, namely, they manage both to establish themselves and survive under the closed canopy or in small gaps and persist for more than a generation.


jussara fragmentaÃÃo florestal forest fragmentation forest ecology ecologia florestal species diversity recursos florestais e engenharia florestal jussara estrutura fisionÃmica diversidade de espÃcies physiognomic structure

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