Flooding of the river Aricanduva (MSP) and the construction of knowledge in geography teaching / As enchentes do rio Aricanduva (MSP) e a construção de conhecimentos no ensino de Geografia




The purpose of this study is to assess the extent to which geography taught in schools whose community is affected by flooding has made the reading of the living space of students and significant learning. The fieldwork was conducted in five public schools (state and municipal) located around the river Aricanduva in low and middle courses of the river, the area of major flooding. Directors were interviewed, educational coordinators, teachers and students from 6th grade education. Questionnaires (open) deal with the construction of knowledge in geography and the notion of flooding. Also analyzed the proposed curricula and textbooks (adopted in schools). It was observed that there is a mismatch between what we intend to teach, design and teaching of geography and what is learned in the discipline. On the one hand teachers (Proposed Curriculum and textbooks) have a design that is concerned with reality and the development of critical thinking, on the other hand, the students have a concept of discipline and school linked to location, market work and encyclopedic knowledge. In relation to floods prevail among respondents explanations devoid of scientific development, though, among teachers, there is some understanding of the issue of urban flooding as a product of the urbanization process, we think it should be. The results reveal the importance of design education based on the construction of knowledge with reference to everyday knowledge and situated in the lived space of students


construção do conhecimento teaching geography enchentes floods building knowledge ensino de geografia

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