Forças de abordagens em busca de uma equação de ensinar e aprender LE




This study aimed at investigating which approach underlies the teaching and learning process from classroom agents: the teacher, students and the course books author in the private context of foreign language teaching. It also seeks to elucidate which one has the predominant approach. Having identified the predominant agent, we also tried to elucidate which theoretical approach (grammatical or communicative) is the effective. In order to explore potential answers, we observe and identify the methodological procedures used by the participant-teacher and compare them with his discourse, searching congruence and dissonance between his declared approach and that which emerges in his classes. The data were collected through observation of classes registered through notes, interviews and finally audio recording classes and its respective transcriptions. Analysis and discussion of data and information used followed the procedures of approach analysis suggested by Almeida Filho (1999) which highlighted points of contact between the two canonical approaches (grammatical and communicative) and three distinct types of approaches: teacher, students and course books author. Findings indicate that the most effective approach is determined through the three agents fusion on account of having the same core that grantee the form of the language and showing that the predominant approach is the course book, which also has a grammatical core, but with an audio-lingual communicative variant, in an effective symbiotic relationship with the teachers approach, which is of similar variant


agentes e sala de aula de língua estrangeira agents and foreign language classroom approach linguistica aplicada abordagem

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