Formação de aldeídos e trialometanos da desinfecção por ozonização, cloração e ozonização/cloração de efluente de tratamento anaeróbio de esgoto sanitário / Aldehydes and trihalomethanes formation from desinfection in ozonization, chloration and, ozonation/chloration in anaerobic effluent from sanitary wastewater




The present work was mostly carried out in Brazil. However, aiming to enhance the research, a six-month data collection was performed at the Wageningen University - the Netherlands. The step carried out in Brazil proposed: to study the formation of by-products (aldehydes and trihalomethanes) from the disinfection of an anaerobic treatment wastewater effluent with ozone, chlorine and ozone/chlorine; to verify how disinfectants act in the oxidation process; to know the degree of toxicity as well as the effects of residual ozone and chlorine employing Daphnia similis and Danio rerio as test-organisms; and, yet, to analyze the efficiency of ozone, chlorine and ozone/chlorine in the inactivation of microorganisms. The step of this research that was carried out in the Netherlands proposed: to study the formation of by-products (aldehydes) from the disinfection of an anoxic treatment effluent with ozone, ozone/chlorine and ozone/hydrogen peroxide (peroxonium); to verify how disinfectants act in the oxidation process; and, to analyze the efficiency of ozone, ozone/chlorine in the inactivation of indicating microorganisms. It was possible to indentify, in the performed studies, an expressive formation of aldehydes with a formaldehyde predominance and, mainly, acetaldehyde that presented a higher formation concentration in the essays carried out in Brazil. The aldehydes formation concentration detected in the essays carried out in The Netherlands followed the same behavior of the ones carried out in Brazil, however with a smaller formation. A low formation of trihalomethanes was observed for the chloration and ozonization/chloration, essays. The toxicity tests that used Daphnia similis as test-organisms presented toxicity in the essays that 8.0 mg O IND.3/L was applied, as well as for all applied dosages in the chloration essays and, also, for the ozonation/chloration for the applied dosage of 5.0 mg O IND.3/L / 10 mg CL IND.2/L. Regarding the Danio rerio test-organism, acute toxicity was detected in the essay in which 5.0 mg O IND.3/L and contact time of 5 minutes was applied and also for 8.0 mg O IND.3/L and contact time of 15 minutes.


anaerobic effluent efluente doméstico sanitary effluent efluente anaeróbio subprodutos cloração chloration ozonização ozonation byproducts

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