From exclusion to the dream : the reconstruction of teenagersidentity at a UNEI (Placement Educational Unit) in Mato Grosso do Sul / Da exclusão ao sonho : a (re)construção da identidade de adolescentes em unidade educacional de internação (UNEI) sul-mato-grossense




This work interpretates the representations from directors and infractor teenagers who are under a socio-educational internation measure in two male Placement Educational Units (UNEI) situated in Mato Grosso do Sul. We have the intention to expound confrontations between the speeches and relations of behaviour and knowledge/power. The research was performed through structured questionnaires which aimed to build the profile of the subjects researched and subsequently by semistructured interviews. Situated in the theoretical and methodological field of Discourse Analysis inaugurated by Pecheaux (1988) and by Foucaults contributions for the issue of discipline and also by scholars of Cultural Studies, such as Silva (2000) and Hall (2005). This research was set in three chapters. In chapter I, we approached some concepts from the French and from Cultural Studies, concerning identity. The chapter II approaches the methodological aspects and conditions of discourse production and theres also the discussion of issues about children and teenagers, besides the search for a discursive understanding of interview as a discursive gender. Finally, in chapter III, we analyse the discourses of the subjects researched at UNEI, aiming to understand how the subjects represent themselves and how they are represented by the directors. We have seen that most teenagers are recidivous in infraction acts ant that their identities are represented in the families and school absence, that is, in the absence of all the rights established by ECA. The directors are constituted in the position of educators, based on ECA, who are sensitive to the psycho-social conditions of these subjects; both reinforce UNEIs socio-educational role but they also state that, without governmental investments on more effective social programs, the problem of recidivous infractor teenagers is far from being minimized .


ato infracional análise do discurso identidade letras representação infraction act identity representation discourse analysis

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