FtsI and FtsW Are Localized to the Septum in Escherichia coli


American Society for Microbiology


The localization of FtsI (PBP3), a penicillin-binding protein specifically required for cell division in Escherichia coli, was investigated by immunofluorescence microscopy and found to localize to the septum. The localization of FtsI was not observed in ftsZ or ftsA mutants, indicating that it was dependent on the prior localization of these proteins. Addition of furazlocillin, a specific inhibitor of FtsI, prevented localization of FtsI even though FtsZ and FtsA localization occurred. Interestingly, the localization of FtsN was also prevented by furazlocillin. FtsZ displayed limited localization in furazlocillin-treated cells, whereas it was efficiently localized in FtsI-depleted cells. FtsW, another essential cell division protein, was also localized to the septum.

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