Functional and structural evaluation of the asphalt pavements of the Federal University of Viçosa / Avaliação Funcional e Estrutural das Vias Asfaltadas do Campus da UFV




This work evaluated the asphalt pavements of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), where functional and structural data were collected based on the rules of the Departamento Nacional de Infra-estrutura de Transportes (DNIT). The pavements of the campus were divided in homogeneous subparts. In function of technical characteristics of the pavements, some methodologies proposed by the DNIT had little changes because the DNITs rules used in this work were developed for using in pavements with technical standard, which were different of urban pavements. The functional analyses followed the roles of DNIT 006/2003 PRO e DNIT 009/2003 PRO, for the objectives and subjective superficial evaluations, respectively. In the deflectometer measurements, the methodology proposed by DNER ME 024/94 was used, which is referent to the determinations of the pavements deflection through the Benkelman beam. More than 80% of the subparts objectively evaluated received scores between terrible and bad. However, in the subjective evaluation, the subparts received scores between good and regular. In the subparts studied on the deflectometer evaluation, according to the roles of the structural evaluation of the DNIT, was observed the necessity of complementary studies, to obtain more data on such pavements and subsequently develop projects aiming the improvement of structural conditions of these pavements. This work consists of the preliminary study of structural conditions survey of the asphalted pavements of the UFV. The analyses and interpretation of the data related to the structural and superficial conditions of these pavements will be used to the supervision and planning of works to improve them.


federal university of viçosa planejamento viário campus ufv asphalt pavement planning avaliação estrutural structural evaluation engenharia civil flexible pavement pavimento flexível

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