GBuilder—An Application for the Visualization and Integration of EST Cluster Data


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press


This paper presents a network-centric DNA sequence visualization and analysis tool called GBuilder. The tool is an easy-to-use Java application that can be used to analyze DNA sequence clusters and assemblies. The emphasis is on the analysis of EST data, where these highly redundant collections of low-quality and often alternatively spliced or chimeric sequence data are difficult to explore. The tool has the capacity to visualize similarities or dissimilarities between sequences at the level of the nucleotide base or annotation in many ways. Sequences may also be edited manually. The novel feature of GBuilder is its ability to access different data sources and analysis applications available on the Internet and to integrate these results and functionality back into itself. External resources such as EST cluster databases and conventional command-line analysis applications are integrated and accessed using CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), which provides a standard implementation independent protocol for integration. New CORBA services can be integrated immediately if they use a known interface described using the Interface Definition Language.

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