Gene dosage effects on the synthesis of maltase in yeast.


Inbred strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae carrying MAL1, MAL2, or MAL6 in a common background were used to construct (i) homo- or heterozygous diploids carrying one or two active alleles of a single MAL locus (MAL1, MAL2, or MAL6) and (ii) triploids carrying one, two, or three active alleles of MAL2. The diploid and triploid strains were used to investigate gene dosage effects of the differential rate of maltase synthesis (delta enzyme activity/delta growth) and the kinetics of induction (for MAL2). All three MAL loci exhibited a gene dosage effect on the differential rate of maltase synthesis; MAL2 also exhibited a gene dosage effect on the kinetics of induction. The dosage effects of the MAL1 and MAL6 loci were additive, but the effects of the MAL2 locus were not; the magnitude of the MAL2 gene dosage effect decreased with increasing dosage. These results are compatible with the current genetic evidence that the MAL genes are regulatory loci if the product(s) of the MAL1 and MAL6 locus is produced in limiting amounts but the product(s) of the MAL2 locus is produced in excess, except at very low genes dosages.

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