Genetic Analysis of Two Allelic Temperature-Sensitive Mutants of DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER Both of Which Are Zygotic and Maternal-Effect Lethals


After fertilization, the development of a zygote depends upon both gene products synthesized by its maternal parent and gene products synthesized by the zygote itself. To analyze genetically the relative contributions of these two sources of gene products, several laboratories have been isolating two classes of mutants of Drosophila melanogaster: maternal-effect lethals and zygotic lethals. This report concerns the analysis of two temperature-sensitive mutants, OX736hs and PC025hs, which were isolated as alleles of a small-disc mutant, l(3)1902. These alleles are not only zygotic lethals, but also maternal-effect lethals. They have temperature-sensitive periods during larval life and during oogenesis. Mutant larvae exposed continuously to restrictive temperature have small discs. One- or two-day exposures to the restrictive temperature administered during the third larval instar lead to a homeotic transformation of the midlegs and hindlegs to the pattern characteristic of the forelegs. Mutant females exposed to the restrictive temperature during oogenesis produce eggs that can develop until gastrulation, but do not hatch. —The existence of these mutants, and one that was recently described by another group, implies that there may be a class of genes, heretofore unrecognized, whose products are synthesized during oogenesis, are essential for embryogenesis and are also synthesized during larval stages within imaginal disc cells.

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