Genetic Studies of Unusual Loci That Affect Body Shape of the Nematode CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS and May Code for Cuticle Structural Proteins


In Caenorhabditis elegans, four loci (sqt-1, sqt-2, sqt-3 and rol-8) in which mutations affect body shape and cuticle morphology have unusual genetic properties. (1) Mutant alleles of sqt-1 can interact to produce animals with a variety of mutant phenotypes: left roller, right roller, dumpy and long. At least three mutant phenotypes are specified by mutations in the sqt-3 locus. (2) Most alleles at these loci are either dominant or cryptic dominant (i.e., are dominant only in certain genetic backgrounds). (3) Most alleles of these loci exhibit codominance. (4) Two putative null alleles of the sqt-1 locus produce a wild-type phenotype. (5) Many alleles of these genes demonstrate unusual intergenic interactions that are not the result of simple epistasis: animals doubly heterozygous for mutations at two loci often display unexpected and unpredictable phenotypes. We suggest that these genetic properties might be expected of genes, such as the collagen genes, the products of which interact to form the animal's cuticle, and which are member genes of a gene family.

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