Genetic studies on capsid-length determination in bacteriophage T4. I. Isolation and partial characterization of second-site revertants of a gene 23 mutation affecting capsid length.


The T4 mutation ptg19-80 affects the mechanism of capsid-length determination. It is located in gene 23, which encodes the major structural protein of the capsid. The mutation results in the production of abnormal-length capsids in high frequencies. This paper describes the isolation and partial characterization of second-site revertants of ptg19-80. In the course of their analysis, it was discovered that ptg19-80 is itself a double mutation consisting of a gene 23 mutation (ptg19-80c), which causes the morphogenetic defect, and a suppressor mutation located near the lysozyme gene. Phenotypic characterization of nine pseudo-wild-type revertants of this double-mutation revealed that these revertants all produced lower frequencies of abnormal capsids than did ptg19-80. Seven of these revertants were shown to contain two suppressor mutations, one mapping in or near gene 22 and done mapping in or near gene 24. Both mutations were required for suppression. These suppressors displayed no discernible phenotype in the absence of ptg19-80c.

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