Genetically Induced Mitotic Exchange in the Heterochromatin of DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER


Multiple copies of the 18S and 28S ribosomal RNA cistrons are present in both the X and Y chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster. Data are presented here that identify a locus, Rex, that causes exchange-like events between duplicated ribosomal complexes at the ends of an attached-XY chromosome. Rex: (1) is close to or in the basal heterochromatin of the X chromosome; (2) is semidominant and (its effect) is temperature sensitive; (3) acts maternally; and (4) affects behavior of paternally derived attached-XY chromosomes shortly after fertilization. Though, at this point, the existence of Rex is known only from its effects on behavior of a particular compound chromosome, it presents intriguing possibilities for understanding regulation of chromosome behavior and organization of the ribosomal cistrons.

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