Genetics of CHLAMYDOMONAS REINHARDTII Diploids. II. the Effects of Diploidy and Aneuploidy on the Transmission of Non-Mendelian Markers


The transmission of two non-Mendelian drug resistance markers has been studied in crosses of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii involving diploids and aneuploids with different mating type genotypes. Under normal laboratory conditions for gametogenesis, mating and zygote maturation, the transmission pattern of the non-Mendelian markers sr-u-1 (resistance to streptomycin) and spr-u-1-27-3 (resistance to spectinomycin) is primarily determined by the mating type genotypes of the parental cells. Our results confirm and expand an earlier observation suggesting that an apparent codominant function of the female (mt+) allele in regulating chloroplast gene transmission in meiosis appears to be distinct and separate from its recessive function in regulating mating behavior. The chloroplast DNA complement (as indexed by the number of extranuclear DNA-containing bodies) may exert a secondary effect on the transmission of these markers. Within a mating type group (mt+/mt- or mt-/mt-) a cell line with more chloroplast DNA tended to transmit its non-Mendelian markers more frequently than a cell line with less chloroplast DNA.

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