Gerência de projetos de software livre no framework SAFE




The open source software theme has become an important area of Software Engineering study and research, earning its space as a ramification of the Traditional Software Engineering, defined as Open Source Software Engineering (OSSE). Several communities have obtained success in developing open source software based solutions, among them: Mozilla, Apache and Linux. The succeded, high popularity and reliability, obtained by the communities in open source software projects motivate new research, mainly in searching answers to elucidate the factors that assure the quality of the developed software. This work presents knowledge on open source project management obtained in successful communities by management and guideline based representations. Had been defined and characterized eight managements: requirement management, version launching management, bug based evolution management, quality management, source code management, community coordination management, communication management and documentation management. To validate the proposal of the managements in the practical one, it was specified and implemented modules in the project framework SAFE (FINEP/USP-São Carlos/DCT-UFMS/Async), a solution that integrates diferent software to help the process of developing Open Source Projects.


framework safe and configuration management open source software engineering engenharia de software livre framework safe e gerenciamento de configuração ciencia da computacao comunidades de software livre gerência de projetos open source communities project management

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