Germ Tube Growth Inhibitor from Cronartium comandrae Aeciospores


Two compounds showing self-inhibitory action during germination of aeciospores of the comandra blister rust fungus (Cronartium comandrae Pk.) were extracted from these aeciospores by shaking with 0.2 M NH4HCO3 (pH 7.8) for 4 h. One of these, the germination self inhibitor (D. A. Eppstein and F. H. Tainter, Phytopathology 66:1395-1397, 1976), was removed from the ammonium bicarbonate buffer by using chloroform. The water layer which remained contained a substance which, at ca. 10−4 M concentration, had no apparent effect on germ tube emergence but which inhibited normal germ tube growth. Linear germ tube growth ceased or a dendritic or vesicular pattern of growth resulted, depending on the concentration of inhibitor added to extracted germinating spores. The germ tube growth inhibitor appears to be a peptide with a molecular weight of ca. 2,000.

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