Gestão da qualidade total e a industria brasileira de minerio de ferro : limites e possibilidades




The aim of this research is to verify the limitations and possibilities of success for Total Quality Management in the major iron ore exporting companies that account for ca. 95% (in value) of total production in Brasil. For the analysis of difficulties and strategy utilized for the establishment of quality programs, the author used a methodology encompassing bibliographical research and also interviews of managers dealing with quality matters at the leading companies (CVRD, MBR, Samitri, Samarco, Ferteco, and CSN). In the bibliographical review, the role of govemment as an inducer of changes in the production environrnent, the evolution of managerial thinking, the significance of minerais resources to societal needs, and the unique peculiarities of mining are emphasized. Also, the specific features of the world iron ore industry, relative to its suply and demand structure, the cost, product and market competitiveness are pointed out. In addition, the aspects of transoceanic shipping that characterize the international trade of iron ore, and the issue of relative prices (actual exchange rate) among the majors producers and exporters are focused in this research. From the analysis of literature and interviews, it was possible to detect a suit of improvements made possible through the implementation of Total Quality Management in the companies studied, e.g.: reduction of vertical and horizontal management levels; greater participation in the decison-making process by operators; forms of intemal communication more intensive; minimization of conflicts betwen areas; strengthening in the formal education and training; increase in productivity; reduction of accident indices and inventories; compliance with client s specifications; and the development of suppliers. The limitations, on the other hand, are imposed by the steel industry demand, by the very nature of iron ore deposits, by punitive public policies and by the belief that a certificate might guarantee the perpetuity of those companies in a highly competitive market. The information levei in this market leads to the convergence of the world class producers in strengthening their natural competitiveness towards a won competitiveness. The race to obtain certification in Quality Systems, ocurred in the 90 s, and the trend to integrate several managerial systems aiming improve quality and productivity through Total Quality programs, are indications that only technological changes will not be capable to guarantee market shares to those producers. A privileged position and the winning of markets will happen even more frequently by changes in the relationship with clients and supliers, and by a better management of production processes


industria mineral - brasil gestão da qualidade total

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