Gestão das Telecomunicações em uma Organização de Telemática do Exército Brasileiro / Administration from the Telecommunications in an Organization of Telemática of the Brazilian Army




This study attend the administration from the system of telecommunications in a Public Organization of Telemática. It was object from the present study the 2nd Center of Telemática of Area (2nd CTA), Organization of the Brazilian Army based in the City of Rio de Janeiro, that acts in States Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo rendering services of telecommunications and informatics. This research was elaborated in two parts: a documental and another of field. The first was constituted of bibliographical consultations including information in national extent about telecommunications in Brazil, administration heading for the excellence, analysis and improvement of processes, as well as the paper of 2nd CTA in the services rendered of telecommunications. Second based on field research that had as specific objectives to analyze the processes and methods of work of the Organization and to identify information seeking to analyze the importance and the viability of the Integrated Net of Telecommunications of the Army (RITEx), managed by 2nd CTA. This part from the work consisted of the elaboration and application of questionnaires, with grounds in YIN (2001) and Alves-Mazzoti &Gewandsznajder (1998), applied to person of 2nd CTA and from the Command 1st RM. The information were analyzed using the program of statistical analysis of information SPSS, where the reached results verify the viability of maintaining a private net of telecommunications, and also the viability of the administration from the work processes adopted, needing some changes and innovations in the processes of the telecommunications of the Organization in study. This research proposes some improvements, as the technological innovation, specific trainings, capacity to adapt, cultural and political change of organizational integration. This study shows that is through an administration heading for the excellence that can reach the readiness of the service and efficient attendance to the customer.


telecomunicações administration heading for the excellence telecommunications gestão rumo à excelência analysis and improvement of processes análise e melhoria de processos administracao

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