Gestão de coleções: uma análise crítica na indústria calçadista




The brazilian footwear industry has been competing in the market through the products offer at lower prices and higher quality levels. The variety of products is another factor that has been required by the market and the response for it is to launch collections in shorter periods of time. These collections, as the projects, are unique undertakings, gradually created with precise schedules for the launchs, production, trade, and the shopwindow withdraws. Therefore, there are start and end dates for all activities. Considering the similarity between the collections and the products, the purpose of this article is to analyse the collections management in the footwear industry from a case study of a typical enterprise in the footwear field. Afterwards, the industry intends to add concepts provided by the projects management to the fashion collections management in a way that the enterprises competition increases in this field.


engenharia de produção teses. calçados industria teses.

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