Gestão Estratégica de Políticas Públicas pelos Governos Subnacionais: Análise da Experiência dos Consórcios Intermunicipais de Saúde no Estado do Mato Grosso / Strategic Management of Health Public Policy by State Governments: Analisys of Mato Grosso State Program of Health Consortia




This research aims a) to understand the new role of the state government in the process of globalization, fragmentation weakening of Nation-state and the strengthening of the supranational level of power; 2) to fulfill the absence of updated studies on the regional level of health care management because emphasis has been given to local level; 3) to analyze reform propositions that consider recent changes in the patterns of state-society relationship and new offers of health services, in which it could be signed a great effort of regional co-ordination. It will be analyzed the role assumed by the Health Secretary of Mato Grosso State in the implementation of the Health Consortia Programs. The choice of Mato Grosso State is given by its pioneer act in innovative public policies in the sense of de-centralization and the change of role in several levels of the federation.


estado do mato grosso gestão estratégica políticas públicas de saúde descentralização consórcios intermunicipais inovação

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