Gestão estratégica e otimização de custos de produção: a experiência da COHAB/PA na provisão de infra-estrutura urbana em assentamentos habitacionais da região metropolitana de Belém. / Strategic administration and improvement of production costs: the experience of COHAB/PA in the provision of urban infrastructure in habitational establishments of the metropolitan area of Belém.




This dissertation presents a study of organisational restructure and productive processes conducted within a public housing company, namely Companhia de Habitação do Estado do Pará (Pará Estate Housing Company) COHAB/PA, aiming at assessing the efficiency of processes and efficacy of production costs applied in the provision of urban infrastructure in housing settlements in Belém Metropolitan Region. It is developed through a contextual approach of public policies, housing production and referred to the emergency of new organisational methodologies, which, in turn, establish a theoretical framework for considerations about strategic administration and organisational schemes and for the analysis of production costs. Research methodology used permitted the establishment of correlation between organisational and production performances with the use of indicators drawn up from empirical assessment of the object both in qualitative and evaluative terms. The results obtained with the production assessment show advances in that sector of the company, however, also reveal there has been a certain disarticulation between organisational and production performances, which is translated, substantially, into cost elements and by the projects of housing settlements provided with infrastructure services.


construcao civil strategic management assentamentos humanos- belém (pa) cost accounting contabilidade de custo gestão de qualidade total (gqt) custos de produção human settlements habitação social costs of production social housing gestão estratégica total quality management (tqm)

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