GONÇALVES, A.M. Cares in front of the abuse and of the dependence of drugs: challenge of the practice of the Program Health of the Family. 2002. 209fl. Tese. (Doutorado em Enfermagem Psiquiátrica) – Escola de Enferma-gem de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto. / "Cuidados diante do abuso e da dependência de drogas: desafio da prática do Programa Saúde da Família"




This study has as object the practice of cares related to the abuse and to the dependence of drugs in the daily of a team of the Program Health of the Family (PHF). Recognizing the gravity of the problems related to the abuse and to the dependence of drugs and their implications for the individual, the family and the community, that reflect in the formation process and in practice of the professionals, we had as objective develops with the members of a team of PHF an action-reflection on that practice, seeking to contribute to overcome the problems and contradictions faced by the team in the daily of work. We accom-plished an investigation with qualitative approach, in the research-action modal-ity, based by the materialism historical-dialectic as intrinsic part of the world vi-sion linked to the praxis. The scenery of the research was the area geopolitics of performance of a team of the Program in the municipal district of Contagem, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The field research was accomplished in the pe-riod from September of 2000 to July of 2001 and had as subjects the members of the team (a doctor, a nurse, a nursing auxiliary and four community agents of health). The results of the research confirmed the initial theses about the impor-tance of PHF for the practice of cares related to the abuse and to the depend-ence of drugs. The results evidenced fragilities and technical potentialities (practices and politics) of the Program to face that challenge, besides pointing possibilities to overcome that by investment in the training of the team and in the creation of a project of community action. The research contributed with subsidy to articulate politics of health, come back for the challenge from devel-oping cares related to the abuse and to the dependence of drugs in practice of the PHF, as well as of other services of health that come to be worth of that ex-perience to apply it in similar conditions.


1 upheaval related to the use of psychoactive substances / 2 health of palavras-chave: 1 transtornos relacionados ao uso de substâncias psic

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