Grafo de relações : uma metodologia para coordenar dependencias entre atividades em ambientes computacionais




One of the challenges related to the coordination of computational environments is the generation of structures to address possible conflicts related to dependences among the activities of these environments. This work presents a methodology to automate the generation of coordination mechanisms for computational environments. These mechanisms are generated from the temporal behaviors specified for the activities executed in the environment. It is possible to specify alternative temporal behaviors and alternative activities, which can be selected in processing time changing temporal relationships among the activities and/or the activities that participate in these behaviors. The algorithm proposed for this implements a global coordination policy, allowing that the execution of an activity only occurs when this doesn t violate any temporal restriction of the environment. The identification and modeling of the temporal restrictions that each activity should satisfy result in the coordination mechanism, obtained in linear time in the number of activities. The modular and compacting capacities of colored Petri nets are explored in the modeling of the coordination mechanisms without connecting the use of the methodology to a previous knowledge of this formal system (colored Petri nets)


grafo (sistemade computador) redes de petri

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