Grain productivity and soybean answer standard to the environmental variations at Minas Gerais state / Produtividade de grãos e padrão de resposta da soja às variações ambientais no estado de Minas Gerais




This work was aimed of following objectives: made a report of Centroid method and suggest new ideotypes for analyze, to evaluate the productivity and to determine the adaptability and stability of grains productivity of lineages and cultivars of soybean of the different maturation cycles, for the Centroid and Annicchiarico methods, identifying the genotypes that having better behavior front to the environmental variations. Were used data from the final evaluations of the Soybean Improvement Program of the Fitotecnia Department of the Federal University of Viçosa, conducted in different areas in the State of Minas Gerais, in years 2006/2007 and 2007/2008. The used experimental delineation, in each field experiments, was it of blocks completely with treatments of at random (constituted of cultivar and lineages), with four repetitions for earlier and medium cycles and three replications for semilater and later cycles. The statistical analyses were accomplished with the GENES applicative. The method Centroid with the seven ideotypes propitiated better classification of the genotypes than the method of Centroid only with the four ideotypes of adaptability analysis, because this others ideotypes present new situations required for breeders. The main advantage of the new ideotypes is the facilitating the analysis of productivity stability. The principle of the productive stability introduced of Centroid method is smallest contribution for the interaction GxA, being the genotype nearly of the general average. The genotype CS 801 stood out with relationship to the productivity in São Gotardo, so much in 2006/2007 as in 2007/2008. The production relative index the lineage CS 801 was better than standard CAC 1, Splendor, UFV 16 and UFV 19 in the agricultural year 2006/2007, in Florestal and São Gotardo, and too in the agricultural year 2007/2008, in São Gotardo. The lineage CS 801 was classified as having adapted the favorable environmental conditions, still presented medium behavior in unfavorable environmets by the methods of Annicchiaric and Centroid for analysis of the adaptability and fenotipic stability. The lineage CS 802 was classified as genotype that have a specific adaptability for unfavorable by the methods of Annicchiarico and Centroid for analyze of the adaptability and fenotipic stability. The lineage CS 02736 and the Monarca cultivar stood out with relationship to the grains productivity before the other appraised genotypes. The lineages CS 02736 and UFV01878397B present index of superior relative revenue to the patterns Conquista, Monarca, UFV 18 and UFV TN 105. The lineage CS 02736 and the cultivar UFV TN 105 was classified as adapted at favorable environmental conditions between the semilater and later groups, still presented medium behavior in unfavorable environmets by the methods of Annicchiaric and Centroid for analysis of the for adaptability and fenotypic stability. The cultivar Monarca was classified as genotype that have a specific adaptability for unfavorable by the methods of Annicchiarico and Centroid for adaptability and fenotypic stability.


melhoramento vegetal adaptabilidade soja soybean stability estabilidade yield adaptability produtividade

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