Growth and fermentation of an anaerobic rumen fungus on various carbon sources and effect of temperature on development.


An anaerobic fungus (strain R1) resembling Neocallimastix spp. was isolated from sheep rumen. When grown on defined medium, the isolate utilized a wide range of polysaccharides and disaccharides, but of the eight monosaccharides tested only fructose, glucose, and xylose supported growth. The organism had doubling times of 5.56 h on glucose and 6.67 h on xylose, and in each case fermentation resulted in production of formate, acetate, lactate, and ethanol. During active growth, formate was a reliable indicator of fungal biomass. Growth on a medium containing glucose and xylose resulted in a doubling time of 8.70 h, but diauxic growth did not occur since both sugars were utilized simultaneously. The optimum temperature for zoospore and immature plant development was 39 degrees C, and no development occurred below 33 degrees C or above 41 degrees C.

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