Guides for CCS to UML-RT and UML-RT to CCS conversions.




CCS (Communicating and Concurrent Systems) is the process algebra to specify and verify concurrent and communicating systems. This work proposes a transformation guide of the CCS equations into to the UML-RT (Unified Modeling Language for Real-Time) model and a transformation guide of the UML-RT model into a set of CCS equations. The UML-RT model is a software design language, which supports code generation and the construction of executable systems. The UML-RT is an UML extension, and it does not have a formal semantics; therefore it is not possible to verify UMLRT models. The transformation guide of UML-RT models into CCS equations allows verifying the models. We argue that the transformation of CCS models into UML-RT models allows an alternative way of correctly building systems. This work details the transformation guides from CCS equations to UML-RT models and from UML-RT models to CSS equations and it discusses the limitations and benefits.


Álgebra de processos cálculo dos sistemas de comunicação uml especificação formal operação em tempo real semântica de linguagens de programação

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