Heat mutagenesis in bacteriophage T4: another walk down the transversion pathway.


Extracellular nonreplicating bacteriophage T4 particles accumulate mutations as functions of temperature, time, pH, and ionic environment via two mechanisms: 5-hydroxymethylcytidine deamination produces G.C----A.T transitions while a guanosine modification produces transversions. Neither frameshift mutations nor mutations at A.T base pairs are appreciably induced. We now show that heat induces G.C----T.A transversions which we suggest may arise via a G*.A mispair, in which G* is a modified guanosine that has experienced a glycosylic bond migration. The rate of this reaction at 37 degrees C is sufficient to present a genetic hazard, particularly to large genomes; thus, the lesion is probably efficiently repaired in cellular genomes.

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