Hepatic regeneration in african catfish (Clarias gariepinus) after partial hepatectomy. / Regeneração hepática em bagre africano (Clarias gariepinus) após hepatectomia parcial.




The liver is an important organ in studies aimed to the verification of animals reactions to chemical injuries. The partial hepatectomy (PH) is one of the methods that are usually employed in hepatic regeneration experiments. Our objectives in this work were to verify the influence of 30% and 70% PH on the hepatic cells proliferation index as it is measured by BrdU nuclear uptake in two regions: close to the hepatic surgery region and in a farther region. The biliary ducts and bile preductular epithelial cells (BPDECs) proliferation was quantified with a combination of two antibodies against the human cytokeratins AE1/AE3. The proliferation index peak in 30% hepatectomy animals occurred one day after the surgery, but in 70% hepatectomy animals the peak was only observed after three days from the surgery. Differences between the proliferation index of the close and the far region were not observed and likewise histological differences were absent. In the regions far from the PH site more biliary ducts were counted than in closer regions, but the peaks were coincident in both regions with the hepatocytes proliferation index. It was also observed that the quantity of BPDECs increased. The peaks occurred in the first and third days for the 30% and 70% PH respectively, and both peaks were higher in the region far from the PH site. We may conclude that C. gariepinus liver regeneration after 30% and 70% PH occurs by means of compensatory hyperplasia by hepatocytes, biliary ducts and BPDECs proliferation. The 30% HP stimulated a strong regenerative response and is less traumatic to the animals. The regions far from the PH site reacts more intensely that the close region concerning the stimulation of biliary ducts and BPDECs proliferation.


brdu regeneração hepática fígado hepatic regeneration liver hepatectomia brdu hepatectomy teleost teleósteos biliary ducts ductos biliares

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