Heterologous mischarging as a means of tRNA fractionation. I. Behaviour of E.coli phenylalanyl-tRNAVal1 on BD-cellulose


The chromatographic behaviour of E.coli tRNAVal1, Val-tRNAVal1 and Phe-tRNAVal1 was studied on BD-cellulose columns. At pH 4.0 and 4°C the elution position of Phe-tRNAVal1 was not affected by the presence of absence of Mg2+, whereas Val-tRNAVal1 was slightly retarded when Mg2+ was ommited. It is postulated that the amino acid and its nature influence the structure that the aminoacyl-tRNA assumes. Under suitable conditions the heteroaminoacylated Phe-tRNAVal1 eluted significantly later than other tRNAs. This fact showed that heterologous mischarging can be a useful step in tRNA purification methods.

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