Heterosexual fathers and mothers: interviews related to their homosexual sons and daughters. / Pais e mães heterossexuais: relatos acerca da homossexualidade de filhos e filhas




We focused our attention on the fatherhood and motherhood of homosexual sons and daughters having heterosexual parents. Looking at the post-modern reality, the traditional nuclear family changed and today we can have several familiar arrangements. Our objective was to reveal the significance of homosexuality of their daughters and sons, to find meanings and to include them in the society for other parents and the educational and health professionals. A qualitative phenomenological research carried out through comprehensive phenomenological interviews with an orientation question. The interviewees were parents (fathers and mothers) from 47 to 60 years old, with teenager children. They were from A, B and C social classes from the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Goiás. All the interviews were recorded and then submitted to the following analysis moments: 1. Interview transcription and general interview reading; 2. Elaboration and discrimination of the significance units; 3. Compilation and synthesis of the significance units; 4. Consistent declaration related to the subjectsexperience from the researcher insights. At the end, the individual analysis of each declaration was made from Martin Heideggers ontology-hermeneutic phenomenology and other axis (Post-modernity, Family, Homosexuality) that supports this research. The heterosexual parents interviews comprehension lead to the following categories: (1) Life before the son or daughter homosexuality revelation; (2) The homosexuality revelation to the family and family living after that; (3) Family relationships; (4) Silence horizon; (5) Parents expectation from their sons and daughters future. The hermeneutic analysis results from the parents interviews converge, primarily to the sense of difficulties to deal with the sons and daughters homosexuality revelation. What differentiates the meaning which unveils this pain is how the fathers and mothers can assimilate their sons and daughters homosexuality and live with it. They have tried to shelter their sons and daughters even without understanding; they showed great concern with violence and discrimination; they felt this experience as a shock, with guilt, anguish, difficulties in understanding, sometimes not accepting it, sometimes fighting to understand their sons and daughters, independently of they sexuality; sometimes accepting, even with silence, doubts, curiosity and so, with difficulty in assimilating it. This research leads us to conclude that the studied phenomenon involves a multiplicity of factors and the contact with heterosexual fathers and mothers of homosexuals sons and daughters opened new perspectives to the fatherhood and motherhood, allowing the possibility to break taboos, myths, prejudices and stigmas.


pós-modernidade família gender relationship homossexualidade family perspectiva heideggeria post-modernity relações de gênero heidegger perspective homosexuality

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