Hibridação cultural como horizonte metodológico para a criação de música contemporânea.




This work results from a research process in musical composition focused on the study of cultural hybridization as a methodological horizon for contemporary music creation. Aiming at the investigation of creative processes resulting from intercultural dialogues in music, it is divided in four basic parts: the first involves a considerable review of the existing literature on the subject of hibridization and theory of composition; the second is an elaboration of the methodological horizon itself; and the last one presents descriptions of four pieces insofar as they relate to the theme. Two of its most significant resultsthe Typological Table of Cultural Hibridization in Musical Composition and the descriptions of compositional processes present in four worksinvolve the identification of hyridization strategies and procedures and do represent a continuum between analytical and practical levels of the compositional challenge.


música composição hibridação cultural diálogos interculturais music composition cultural hybridization intercultural dialogues composicao musical

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